A Hero's Journey Tuesday, March 04, 2025 Hey there Reader, I'm going to take a break from PushBrand this week (except for another development screenshot and small development update towards the end of this issue) and instead focus on the title topic of AI, or as I like to say, "AI" (cause the name is perhaps the misnomer of the century). You've undoubtedly heard a lot about AI in recent months (years), with many predictions of doom and gloom on the near horizon. I'm here to tell you that it's...
over 1 year ago • 7 min read
A Hero's Journey Tuesday, March 04, 2025 Hey there Reader, Hold on a minute. This can't be right. Am I actually writing another issue of A Hero's Journey one week after the last one??? No, that can't be. Let's see, the last issue was published on—checks notes—July 3rd, 2023...and today is...July 10th, 2023. Huh, imagine that... All jokes aside, it has been far too long since I last published two issues back-to-back, and it feels good to do it again. I don't want to jinx myself, but maybe I...
over 1 year ago • 8 min read
A Hero's Journey Tuesday, March 04, 2025 Hey there Reader, Not going to lie, I feel guilty. And I don't like it. First of all, to the new subscribers who came from Sam Gabrail, welcome! This issue will start on a little bit of a downbeat, but there's some good reflective stuff in here, I promise. So stick with me for two minutes, and I promise it'll be worth it. Also, there's a sneak-peak at a SaaS app I'm working on at the bottom of the issue. I feel guilty, because I said—nay, I...
over 1 year ago • 7 min read
A Hero's Journey Tuesday, March 04, 2025 Hey there Reader, So this is a little awkward...I just upped and ghosted ya'll for a little over five months (my last issue was on New Year's Eve). But, I have to say, at least I called it: I can already tell I'll face one critical challenge next year: time and energy bandwidth...So the question remains: will I manage to balance all the things, or will A Hero's Journey be a little quiet next year? -- Me, writing to you on New Year's Eve. And the truth...
almost 2 years ago • 6 min read
A Hero's Journey Tuesday, March 04, 2025 Hey there Reader, Happy New Year's Eve! As the title of this issue suggests, I want to share with you a bit about why 2022 was, hands-down, bar-none, the best year of my life and why I'm optimistic that 2023 will be even better! I'm also writing to you from NYC this week, where I've been hanging out for almost the last two weeks, and I love this city! But let's not waste any more time and get into it. A flourishing personal/social life 2022 was a...
about 2 years ago • 7 min read
Hey there Reader, I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day last week. Ours was small with way too much food and staying up way too late (par for the course), but I had a good time. I decided to skip the newsletter last week, cause I was in a turkey coma along with everyone else, but the last two weeks have a lot of developments to report. So this week, I have one thing I want to share with ya'll—my new obsession with urbanism YouTube—and then we'll get to a longer Journey Update. Urbanism...
over 2 years ago • 4 min read
Hey there Reader, I hope you've had a good couple of weeks, cause it's been a good couple of weeks for me. I've been on "vacation" again, and I use quotes cause I've still been working on some stuff, just fun stuff that I actually like working on. But I've also had time away and time to relax, this time in rural Texas, visiting family and petting a bunch of kinda-stray kitties at my grandparents' house. Look at all those kitties!!! And yes, I won both at Mexican Train (a dominoes game) and...
over 2 years ago • 6 min read
Hey there Reader, It's the November Money Issue, and this week I decided to rant about something that really bothers me with how its presented to the public: "passive income" aka the biggest financial scam sold to the masses. But it's not all downers this issue, because I'm also going to share with you a model for financial freedom that doesn't require you to rely on passive income sources (because you don't need to be a millionaire to live a wonderful life free of financial stress). And of...
over 2 years ago • 7 min read
Hey there Reader, Happy Friday ya'll! I'm writing to you from sunny San Diego, California today. A cancelled nerd conference (about image processing and delivery on the internet) turned into a week-long personal vacation and recharge. In fact, this has been a wonderful week, and I really needed it. I've been struggling lately with trying to figure out the next chapter of my life and with some loneliness from some personal life challenges. But this week has really refreshed me in a big way and...
over 2 years ago • 7 min read